Results Facilitator



As a facilitator it is your daily business to accompany organisations through change processes. You know how to assess the organisational baseline, identify strengths and potentials for improvement and derive strategies for change based on these findings. Inclusion as a target criterion is new to you, however. EICON provides you with the tools you can use within the context of your established procedures and thus efficiently integrate inclusion together with other quality or target criteria.


Adapted from a Diagram by Karn G. Bulsuk (

EICON has implemented tools in the format of lists of inclusion opportunities. Each of these tools / lists can be applied in two different ways / scenarios:

Scenario 1: To explain the utilisation of the tools, we use the well-known Plan-Do-Check-Act (PDCA) cycle (see figure). We assume that all four steps contained in the PDCA cycle can be found in any change process, even if the names may differ. The tools developed within EICON and available further down the page are mainly used in the P(lan) phase of the PDCA cycle. In the way they are formulated, they are used to generate ideas. They look at a wide range of areas within and outside the VET organisation and address aspects relevant to inclusion capacity. The ideas that should be selected in this scenario are those that are considerd important, challenging or worth striving for.

In order to be able to use monitoring instruments in phase C(heck) to verify the achievement of the aims, suitable inclusion-related indicators should be developed by you for each of the selected ideas to check to what extent the procured ICT has actually brought about an improvement.

While this describes the ideal deployment scenario, there is a second way to use these tools. Scenario 2: Rather than using the tools directly to generate new ideas, they can also be used to assess the organisation's current set-up in terms of inclusion capacity. Then, in each list of inclusion opportunities, you ask which hardware or software is currently available in the VET organisation that has the characteristics or functionality listed. In this way you will get a good overview of the ICT baseline and can use this as a starting point in the change process.

In both application scenarios, the lists of inclusion opportunities should be used by a group of stakeholders (here: representatives at least from the teaching staff, administration, management, but potentially also learners, parents, or labour market representatives).


1 Pedagogy & teaching / learning approaches

This first list explores the potentials of ICT towards inclusive pedagogy and innovative teaching and learning approaches. Make sure to involve (all) teaching staff when using this list. For some aspects, the involvement of the learners' view might contribute to further improve the results.

2 Technology & infrastructure

This second list is devoted to technologies and infrastructure and examines the extent to which external policies or internal regulations promote or hinder the use of these technologies in terms of inclusion. Management, administration and IT managers should be represented in the group.

3 Links to employment / labour market

The focus of the third list is on the link that VET needs to establish and to maintain to employment and the labour market. Consider involving also externals in this group, for instance employers or labour market representatives.

4 Stakeholder in­volve­ment, colla­bo­ra­tion & part­ner­ships

This fourth list explores links between your organization and its surrounding world, particularly on how to involve other stakeholders for collaboration and partnerships. Again, consider the involvement of externals as to make sure that these links are built and maintained in such a way that it suits these externals.