List of Inclusion Opportunities

Stakeholder involvement, collaboration & partnerships

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4 Facilitator

This list of inclusion opportunities is the result of a meeting of experts that took place 22 - 24 October 2019 in Estoril / Portugal. In the context of this meeting, National experts had been invited to provide further insights into the issue. View their contributions here.
Due to the Corona crisis the list did not yet undergo a subsequent consultation process involving further experts. If you have any suggestions how to improve this list of inclusion opportunities, please let us know anytime.

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This list of inclusion opportunities explores links between an educational organization and its surrounding world. One of those links, namely towards employment and labor market, has been addressed in an own list of inclusion opportunities due to its outstanding importance for VET. Hence, this list of inclusion opportunities deals with links to other stakeholders and how to involve them for collaboration and partnerships. This list aims to guide you through a process to ...

  • Step 1: identify which other external stakeholders are of relevance to increase your organization’s inclusive capacity,
  • Step 2: assess your organization’s set-up / preparedness for stakeholder involvement with regard to processes and technologies, and to
  • Step 3: reflect to which extent ICT can be supportive or beneficial to establish or maintain the links to these stakeholders.

Step 1: Identification of relevant stakeholders

Please select / tick the (maximum) five most relevant stakeholder groups which in your opinion could contribute significantly to increasing the inclusive capacity of your organisation (add further if needed):

Step 2: Your organization’s set-up / preparedness for stakeholder involvement

The following ideas look at processes and technologies that could be helpful to involve stakeholders in general, irrespective of the particular purpose of involvement. Think about the previously selected stakeholders when you are answering these questions.


Consider to establish processes that ...

Consider establishing and formalising appropriate processes first to involve stakeholders in a more structured way. ICT alone can only be effective if it is integrated into suitable processes. Therefore, setting up these processes is a prerequisite for subsequently considering the procurement or appropriate use of ICT.


Consider hardware or software that ...

Each of these four points gives direct indications of the potential of ICT to better understand and engage stakeholders in the organisation. If you seek to implement one or more of these points with the help of ICT, you can also benefit from this beyond the topic of increasing inclusion capacity.

Step 3: Purpose / intention of stakeholder involvement

The last block deals with a number of ideas why it makes sense to involve stakeholders in an effort to increase the inclusion capacity of your organisation.

None of these ideas, however, necessitates the use of ICT. For example, you could use traditional means to assess outcomes for the verification of the effectiveness of your inclusion approaches, e.g. by performing regular written assessments of learning. For those ideas where you are already using approaches other than ICT-based ones, you should consider the extent to which this goal can be achieved either (1) more efficiently or (2) even qualitatively better through ICT.

Only if at least one of these two criteria is met does it make sense to replace the current approach with an ICT-based approach. If ICT contributes neither to improving the quality nor to increasing the efficiency of activities with stakeholders, there is no need to change existing practices.

Consider hardware or software that enables you to ...


The main objective of the Strategic Partnership EICON is to support organizations / institutions providing vocational education and training (VET) to become more inclusive using information and communication technology (ICT). Organizations / institutions that are active in VET are particularly in need for guidance on how to further develop, as they often have to work towards multiple aims simultaneously, i.e. inclusion usually is one among many other aims. EICON particularly explores the inherent potential and synergies in the overlapping section between education, inclusion and digitalisation.

How to use this list of inclusion opportunities?

There is no 'one best way' for any organization / institution active in VET to increase its inclusive capacity with ICT. Rather, each organization / institution needs to find its own solution that then fits perfectly to its respective situation and requirements. Therefore, this list of inclusion opportunities aims to guide organizations / institutions through a process of reflection and planning. List entries contain both examples of good practice and innovative examples and focus specifically on inclusion potential in an organisation.

Lists of opportunities may be used by different groups: teachers, managers of VET institutions / organizations and facilitators that support these organisations in organizational change processes. These lists have a slightly different focus depending on the respective role, so make sure you select the ones that fit to your role. Teachers use them, for example, to formulate requirements for their management with regard to the procurement of new ICT. Facilitators in turn can use the lists to discuss and decide on possibilities for specific ICT change projects together with the organisation's representatives. Managers can also use the lists to identify potential uses of ICT for inclusive leadership.

EICON (Enhancing inclusion capacity of educational organizations / institutions providing VET with information and communication technologies (ICT)) is an ERASMUS+ KA2 Strategic Partnership for vocational education and training during 2018 - 2020 (Grant Agreement No.2018-1-DE02-KA202-005110). This list of opportunities has been developed in the context of EICON. It represents the results of discussions among the experts involved in the project as well as a subsequent public consultation process that involved a wider audience in reviewing the intermediate results.

Creative Commons Licence CC BY SA

The list of opportunities is published under the Creative Commons License CC BY-SA, i.e. you are free to copy and redistribute the checklist in any medium or format, and to remix, transform and build upon the material for any purpose, even commercially. However, you must give appropriate credit, provide a link to the license, and indicate if changes were made. If you remix, transform, or build upon this material, you must distribute your contributions under the same license as this original. To give appropriate credit, please use the following information: [Author] ERASMUS+ EICON Project Consortium [LINK]

The European Commission support for the production of this publication does not constitute an endorsement of the content that reflects the views only of the authors, and the Commission cannot be held responsible for any use that may be made of the information contained therein.

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If you are using this list of inclusion opportunities in practice, we are highly interested in your experiences with it! Please help us to further improve these results by taking part in our short survey. Scan the QR code or click on the code to open a short survey. Thanks a lot in advance for your contribution!